[Math] Area of intersection between two circles


Suppose you have 2 circles that intersect each other in such a way that each circle passes through the other's center. What is the area between the circle(or common area) i.e. area between the centres of the circles?


Best Answer

Label the center of the first circle $C$ and the center of the second circle $C'$. Label one of the points of intersection of the two circles $A$ and the other $B$. Let the radius of the circles be $r>0$. It should be clear that the following lengths are all equal to $r$. $AC$, $AC'$, $BC$, $BC'$, $CC'$. With a simple application of Pythagoras' Theorem, we get that the length of the line segment $AB$ is $\sqrt{3}r$.

With some basic trigonometry, we find the angles $\angle ACB=\angle AC'B=\dfrac{2\pi}{3}$. So, the area of one half of the intersection is the area of a circular segment with angle $\theta=\dfrac{2\pi}{3}$ and radius $r$, which gives an area of $\dfrac{r^2}{2}(\theta-\sin\theta)=\dfrac{r^2}{2}\left(\dfrac{2\pi}{3}-\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\right)$ and so the area of the entire intersection is twice this. This gives an area of $$r^2\left(\dfrac{2\pi}{3}-\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\right).$$

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