[Math] Area of a region between two curves definition

calculusdefinite integrals

My textbook defines the area of a region between two curves as:

If $f$ and $g$ are continuous on $[a,b]$ and $g(x) \le f(x)$ for all $x$ in $[a,b]$, then the area of the region bounded by the graphs of $f$ and $g$ and the vertical lines $x = a$ and $x = b$ is
$A = \int_a^b [f(x)-g(x)] \, dx$

My question is what is the meaning of $g(x) \le f(x)$? Is it saying that the height of $g(x)$ is less than the height of $f(x)$ or is talking about the function themselves.

Best Answer

The thing to remember is that $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ are numbers (for a fixed value of $x$), so saying that $g(x) \le f(x)$ for $x \in [a,b]$ simply means that for any value of $x$ in that interval, the number $g(x)$ is less than or equal to $f(x)$.

In terms of the graphs, it means that the graph of $g(x)$ does not go above the graph of $f(x)$.

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