[Math] Area of a circle externally tangent to three mutually tangent circles


Given three identical circles, with three points of intersection. The line between two of these intersecting points is $3$ feet. They are inside a $4$th circle. All circles are tangent to each other.

What is the area of the $4$th circle? I don't understand if any of the Descartes Theorem or Three Tangent Circles applies and how.

Or perhaps more simply, if the "outer Soddy circle" equation will yield the needed answer. works

Best Answer

Let's get a figure in here, eh?

tangent circles

We can exploit the fact that the points of mutual tangency of the three inner circles (red points in the figure) form an equilateral triangle; we also know that the red points are the midpoints of the segments formed by joining any two of the three blue points (the centers of the inner circles).

We then deduce that the triangle formed by the red points is half the scale of of the triangle formed by the blue points, and find that the equilateral triangle formed by the blue points has a side length of 6 ft., and that the inner circles have a radius of 3 ft. Using the law of cosines, we reckon that the distance from a blue point to the center of the triangle formed by the blue points is $2\sqrt{3}$ ft. Adding to that the radius of an inner circle, we find that the radius of the outer circle is $3+2\sqrt{3}$ ft.

The area of the outer circle is $\approx$ 131.27 square feet.

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