[Math] Are two matrices of the same rank similar

linear algebramatrices

I know that if two matrices $A$ and $B$ are similar implies that they have the same rank.

However, if they have the same rank are they similar?

Best Answer

As mentioned by the others, the answer is negative. Actually we can say something more: if $n\ge2$, then for any $n\times n$ nonzero matrix $A$, there is always a dissimilar matrix $B$ of the same rank; if $n=1$, the statement also holds when the characteristic of the field is not $2$.

Proof. The case $n=1$ is trivial. Suppose $n\ge2$. Let $k=\operatorname{rank}(A)$. If $A$ is not diagonalisable, let $B$ be a diagonal matrix of rank $k$. If $A$ is diagonalisable, let $B$ be the direct sum of a $k\times k$ Jordan block for eigenvalue $1$ and a zero block.