[Math] Are these two venn diagrams valid for $(A-B)\cup (B\cap C)$


When I'm told to represent a Venn diagram for $(A-B)\cup (B\cap C)$ are these two valid?

The first one:

enter image description here

The second one:

enter image description here

I don't seem to understand clearly whether an union implies having both sets "touch" each other in the diagram or if it doesn't matter at all as long as I color them red as I did in the second one.

Also, note that the exercise doesn't actually tell me if $A,B,C$ are really intersecting each other (only $A$ with $B$ and $B$ with $C$ but never $A$ with $C$), is that supposed to make a difference in the way I display the diagrams?

Best Answer

While both diagrams represent the set $(A \setminus B ) \cup ( B \cap C )$, the second is done under the additional assumption that $A \cap C = \emptyset$. Generally Venn diagrams are supposed to represent all of the possible interactions between the sets they represent, and if you do not know beforehand that $A \cap C = \emptyset$, then the second diagram loses information (in my opinion, anyway).

As such, I would be hesitant to provide the second as an answer to the question, as you could have equally done the following: represent the sets $A , B , C$ as discs which do not overlap at all (this is the situation $A \cap B = \emptyset$, $A \cap C = \emptyset$ and $B \cap C = \emptyset$. Then $( A \setminus B ) \cup ( B \cap C )$ would be represented by filling in the $A$ circle, and leaving the rest blank.