Number Theory – Are There Prime Gaps of Every Size?

number theoryprime numbers

Is it true that for every even natural number $k$ there exists some $n \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $g_n = p_{n+1} – p_n = k$?

I don't know how to approach the problem at all, and in fact I don't even know enough about prime gaps to even form a conjecture as to the answer. I feel like the answer is "yes", but only because that would be "nicer" than having some even integers never appear in sequence of prime gaps.

I hope it's not an unsolved problem!

Edit: My question is distinct from Polignac's Conjecture, since I ask if there is at least one prime gap, instead of infinitely many prime gaps, for every size.

Best Answer

It appears to be open if every even number is the difference of two primes, let alone consecutive primes. Here is a question mentioning that and an mo question here

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