[Math] Are there any tricks to remembering proofs of mathematical theorems


Is there a way to quickly and thoroughly remember theorems?

For example, proofs of the mean value theorem, or Rolle's theorem. Having to remember all of them off by heart has been quite tedious. Understanding helps you get the basic gist of it, but there's always some integral part of the theorem that gets left out.

Best Answer

Resist the urge to look them up! If you are worried you are forgetting some theorem, sit down and try to re-derive it from something you do know how to prove (maybe mvt from Rolles, which maybe you remember).

If you get stuck for awhile, look up a first step, then keep going yourself. "Actively" re-deriving theorems helps me make sure I understand them. It is easy to read something on wikipedia and say "oh ok that makes sense" without actually understanding it.