[Math] Are there any repeats of a number (eg repeat of 86 is 8686) that are perfect squares

number theory

When we repeat a number, i.e. write it twice in a row, we get another number with even no. of digits.
For e.g. repeating '86' gives us the number '8686'
Is there any such repeat number which is a perfect square. How many such perfect squares are there?

Best Answer

Note that repeats of a number are of the form $(10^n+1)x$, where $x$ is the integer that is repeated and $n$ is the number of digits of $x$. Hence repeated numbers are divisible by $10^n +1$ where $n$ is the number of digits of the number that is repeated.

To have a repeated number which is also a square we need to find $n$ such that the product of primes with odd powers in the prime decomposition of $10^n +1$ has value less than $10^n$. Intuitively, the number which is repeated must 'make up' for the odd power primes in the decomposition of $10^n+1.$

This observation proves that there are no perfect square repeated numbers with $4$ digits as $101$ does not satisfy the above requirements ($101$ is prime!). Likewise there are no $6$ digit perfect square repeated numbers as $1001=7\cdot11\cdot13$. To generalise this method for arbitrary $n$ we need knowledge on the prime decomposition of $10^n+1$ in general. I'm not sure if anything is known about this!

Hope this helps!

Edit: Searching online I've found that $$10^{11}+1 = 11^2 \cdot 23 \cdot 4093 \cdot 8779.$$ To form a repeated perfect square, we need $k$ such that $k^2 \cdot 23 \cdot 4093 \cdot 8779 = k^2\cdot826446281$ has $11$ digits. $k=10$ works.

Hence $(10^{11}+1)\cdot100 \cdot 23 \cdot 4093 \cdot 8779=8264462810082644628100$ is a repeated number and a perfect square!

Checking this on wolfram alpha shows that this number is indeed a square. It is the square of $$90909090910.$$

Note that our choice of $k$ was arbitrary. If we instead chose $k = 9$, we arrive at the square repeated number $$6694214876166942148761 = 81818181819^2.$$

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