[Math] Are there any numbers more fundamental than Complex numbers

complex numberssoft-question

Are there any numbers other than Complex Numbers which contain something more that Real and Imaginary numbers?

Best Answer

Yes. There is in fact a well-structured set of numbers of dimension $2^n$ for all $n$, but after a certain point it simply becomes pointless and unwieldy. The next set of numbers is called the quaternions of the form $a+bi+cj+dk$, where $a,b,c,d\in\mathbb{R}$ and $i,j,k$ are all square roots of $-1$. In the quaternions, $ij=k, jk=i, ki=j$ but $ji=-k, kj=-i, ik=-j$ (that's right, they're non-commutative). The complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$, though, are considered more fundamental than the quaternions $\mathbb{H}$ or the sets that follow (the octonions, sedenions, etc.), since the complex numbers are an abelian field with algebraic closure (algebraic closure of a field $F$ means that all polynomials $\sum a_ix^i$ with $a_i\in F$ have all of their roots in $F$. This cannot be said of $\mathbb{R}$, since $x^2+1$ has real coefficients but imaginary roots.), giving it the greatest structure of all of these number sets. Funny things start to happen after the quaternions, as the octonions are no longer associative and the sedenions can have zero divisors (which means two non-zero elements $a$ and $b$ can have the property $ab=0$).

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