[Math] Are there any “nonstandard” special angles for which trig functions yield radical expressions


Everyone learns about the two "special" right triangles at some point in their math education—the $45-45-90$ and $30-60-90$ triangles—for which we can calculate exact trig function outputs. But are there others?

To be specific, are there any values of $y$ and $x$ such that:

  • $y=\sin(x)$;

  • $x$ (in degrees) is not an integer multiple of $30$ or $45$;

  • $x$ and $y$ can both be written as radical expressions? By radical expression, I mean any finite formula involving only integers, addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, and $n$th roots. [Note that I require $x$ also be a radical expression so that we can't simply say "$\arcsin(1/3)$" or something like that as a possible value of $x$, which would make the question trivial.]

If yes, are they all known and is there a straightforward way to generate them?

If no, what's the proof?

Best Answer

There is $$\cos\frac{\pi}5=\frac{\sqrt5+1}4$$ and similar for cosines and sines of multiples of this. Gauss proved that one can find expressions for $\cos \pi/p$ involving iterated square roots where $p$ is prime if and only if $p$ is a Fermat prime (of form $2^{2^k}+1$), so for $p=2$, $3$, $5$, $17$, $257$ and $65537$ (but to date no others are known).

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