[Math] Are only linear transformations associative

linear algebralinear-transformations

I am teaching myself linear algebra and calculus from Apostol Calculus Volume 2 and I find it very satisfying. Today I came came across theorem 2.5 in chapter linear transformations and matrices which states that:

If $T: U \to V, S: V \to W ,R: W \to X$ are three functions, then we have:

$$R(ST)= (RS)T$$


Both functions $R(ST)$ and $(RS)T$ have domain $U$ and values in $X$. For each $x$ in U, we have:

$[R(ST)](x)= R[(ST)(x)]= R[S[T(x)]]$ and $[(RS)(T)](x)=(RS)[T(x)]=R[S[T(x)]]$

This is a very natural proof and I understand it. What I fail to grasp is the use of linear transformation and the structure of vector spaces in the proof. I mean it is not at all obvious where does the proof makes use of the axioms of linear transformation and vector spaces.

So is the theorem valid for non linear transformations and/or sets which are not vector spaces? If no, then please point out the assumptions of the proof and its scope.

Best Answer

The theorem says "functions," not "linear transformations," so in fact the theorem Apostol proves answers your question: yes, function composition is associative, no matter whether the functions involved are linear. You are right to see that the proof doesn't depend in any way on linearity -- because, indeed, linearity is not assumed, nor is it needed.