[Math] Are non-strictly diagonally dominant matrices nonsingular

linear algebramatrices

I am trying to find a proof that diagonally dominant matrices (not strictly) are non singular.

For strictly diagonal is proof is here: Strictly diagonally dominant matrices are non singular

Best Answer

As LutzL stated this is false in general. Another (even more simple) example would be the zero-matrix. But for some kind of (non-strictly) diagonal-dominant matrices you can ensure they are non singular.

Take $A\in\mathbb C^{n\times n}$ with $n\ge2$ and $$\forall\, i,j :\quad\left|a_{i,i}\right|\cdot\left|a_{j,j}\right| \gt r_i(A)\cdot r_j(A)$$ (where $a_{k,k}$ is the $k$-row-diagonal-element and $r_k(A)$ the associated row-sum)

then $A$ is non-singular. The proof is similar to the proof of Gershgorins Theorem.

Note that all strictly diagonal-dominant matrices fullfil this conditions, but also those, where you have non-strictly dominance in exact one row.

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