[Math] Are mini-Mandelbrots known to be found in any fractals other than the Mandelbrot set itself


This is a generalization of the question Are there mini-mandelbrots inside the julia set?

@Hagen raises an issue I was afraid of, which is that even the mini-Mandelbrots in the Mandelbrot set are not exact copies. I don't know enough to give a rigorous answer to this question, but I'm thinking of whatever (implicit) standard is used for identifying mini's within the Mandelbrot itself. Though it would certainly be interesting if one can find an exact duplicate of the Mandelbrot set somewhere inside a "nice" fractal without effectively constituting the entirety of that fractal.

Best Answer

Iterating the cubic polynomial, $z \mapsto c(z^3-3z)$, starting with z=1, one gets a cubic mandelbrot, whose "mini-mandelbrots" are conjugate to the quadratic mini-mandelbrots. These images are from Wolf Jung's Mandelbrot program, under cubic polynomials with semi-conjugate to quadratic.

cubic mandelbrot, iterating as above zoom upper middle zoomed in on mini-mandelbrot in cubic mandelbrot

Here is one more example, iterating $z \mapsto c(z^5-5z)$, starting with z=1, which also has mini-mandelbrots. quintic mandelbrot, iterating c(z^5-5z)