Associates in Commutative Ring with 1 – Unit Multiples


Recall the following relevant definitions. We say that

  • $b$ is divisible by $a$ in $R$, or $a\mid b$ in $R$, if $b = r a$ for some $r\in R$.

  • $a$ and $b$ are associates in $R$ if $a\mid b$ and $b\mid a$, (or, equivalently, if $aR = bR$).

  • $u\in R$ is a unit if it has a multiplicative inverse (a $v\in R$ such that $uv=vu=1$).

  • $a$ and $b$ are unit multiples in $R$ if $a = ub$ for some unit $u\in R$.

Given these definitions, my question is,

If $R$ is a commutative ring with unity and $a,b\in R$ are associates in $R$, are $a$ and $b$ unit multiples in $R$?

I was told that this not always true. But I encountered some difficulties in finding a counterexample.

Best Answer

See the following paper,

When are Associates Unit Multiples?
D.D. Anderson, M. Axtell, S.J. Forman, and Joe Stickles
Rocky Mountain J. Math. Volume 34, Number 3 (2004), 811-828.

It is mostly concerned with finding sufficient conditions on commutative rings that ensure that $Ra=Rb$ implies $a = bu$ for a unit $u$, but they do give some examples of $R$ where this fails. In particular this simple example of Kaplansky. Let $R=C[0,3]$, the set of continuous function from the interval $[0,3]$ to the reals. Let $f(t)$ and $g(t)$ equal $1-t$ on $[0,1]$, zero on $[1,2]$ but let $f(t)=t-2$ on $[2,3]$ and $g(t)=2-t$ on $[2,3]$. Then $f$ is not a unit multiple of $g$ in $R$ but each divides the other.

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