[Math] are all homomorphic groups of the same size isomorphic


I came across this question while working on a problem from my practice final for abstract algebra.

enter image description here

I've set up the groups, and proved the homomorphism, and shown that the two groups have the same order. So can I state that all homomorphic groups of the same order are isomorphic?

Here's what I have so far.

Best Answer

Here is a trivial counter-example.

Let $G$ and $H$ be two groups of the same order, but not isomorphic. For any pair of groups, there is always the $0$ homomorphism between them, i.e. the map $0: G \to H: G \ni g \mapsto e \in H$. This is a homomorphism trivially, and so there is a homomorphism from $G$ to $H$, but somehow it is not a useful homomorphism. It's not even close to an isomorphism.

I expect the relationship you're after is given by the First Isomorphism Theorem, which in a sense tells you how a homomorphism can be 'close' to an isommorphism. In particular, if $\phi: G \to H$ is a homomorphism, this theorem asserts that $G/\ker \phi \simeq H$.

Edit: If by homomorphic you mean that $G$ has a homomorphic image which is ONTO $H$, then yes your claim is true, since for groups with the same finite order, being surjective implies being injective.