[Math] Arcwise connected but not connected


In his book "Geometry, Topology and Physics", Nakahara makes the following claim with regard to topological spaces:

With a few pathological exceptions, arcwise connectedness is practically equivalent to connectedness.

Could somebody please give me examples of such exceptions? Where can I read more about these pathologies?

To make my question more precise: are there topological spaces which are arcwise-connected, but not connected?

Best Answer

As others have pointed out, every arcwise connected space is connected.

$\pi$-Base, an online version of the general reference chart from Steen and Seebach's Counterexamples in Topology, gives the following examples of spaces that are connected but not arcwise connected. You can learn more about these spaces by viewing the search result.

A Pseudo-Arc

An Altered Long Line

Cantor’s Leaky Tent

Closed Topologist’s Sine Curve

Countable Complement Extension Topology

Countable Complement Topology

Countable Excluded Point Topology

Countable Particular Point Topology

Divisor Topology

Double Pointed Countable Complement Topology

Finite Complement Topology on a Countable Space

Finite Excluded Point Topology

Finite Particular Point Topology

Gustin’s Sequence Space

Indiscrete Irrational Extension of the Reals

Indiscrete Rational Extension of the Reals

Irrational Slope Topology

Lexicographic Ordering on the Unit Square

Nested Angles

One Point Compactification fo the Rationals

Pointed Irrational Extension of the Reals

Pointed Rational Extension of the Reals

Prime Ideal Topology

Prime Integer Topology

Relatively Prime Integer Topology

Roy’s Lattice Space

Sierpinski Space

Smirnov’s Deleted Sequence Topoogy

The Extended Long Line

The Infinite Broom

The Infinite Cage

The Integer Broom

Topologist’s Sine Curve

Uncountable Excluded Point Topology

Uncountable Particular Point Topology

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