[Math] Arc length of Archimedes Spiral $ r = \theta $ from $ 0 \le \theta \le 2\pi$

calculusintegrationpolar coordinates

The equation of the Archimedes spiral is given by $$r = \theta$$
The formula for calculating the Arc Length is given by $$L = \int^b_a\sqrt{r^2+\left(\frac{dr}{d\theta}\right)^2}d\theta$$

The following is my work on this problem so far:

$$L = \int^{2\pi}_0\sqrt{\theta^2+1}d\theta$$
Using Trig substitution
$$\theta = \tan(u)$$
$$ d\theta = \sec^2(u)du$$
$$L = \int^{\tan^-1(2\pi)}_{\tan^-1(0)}\left(\sqrt{\tan^2(u)+1}\right)\sec^2(u)du$$
$$L = \int^{\tan^-1(2\pi)}_{\tan^-1(0)}\left(\sqrt{\sec^2(u)}\right)\sec^2(u)du$$
$$L = \int^{\tan^-1(2\pi)}_{\tan^-1(0)}\sec^3(u)du$$

This is basically where I am stuck, and I am also not sure if I am over complicating this problem or am I on the right track?

Ok so after using the integration by parts for the above integral I arrive at:

$$\left[\frac{\sec(u)\tan(u) + ln |\sec(u)+\tan(u)|}{2}\right]^{\tan^{-1}({2\pi})}_{\tan^{-1}(0)}$$

How to evaluate that without a calculator??

Best Answer

You are almost done! Use


(per definition) and


(convince yourself of this by looking at a right-angled triangle for a few seconds) to arrive at the result


There is probably no easy way to approximate that number without a calculator, but if I plugged the numbers correctly into mine it should be about $21.25629$.