[Math] Arc Length Formulas

analytic geometrycalculusdefinite integralsplane-curves

Use the arc length formula to find the arc length of the upper half of the circle with center at $(0,0)$ and radius $3$. Also, find the arc length of the curve in the first question by using elementary geometry.

Best Answer

HINTS: The parametrisation of a circle of radius $r$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$ is given by

$$\gamma(t) = (r \cos (t), r \sin (t)).$$

Arclength is calculated by working out

$$\int_a^b | \gamma'(t)| dt,$$

where $a, b$ are the two ends of your interval and $|\gamma ' (t)|$ is the velocity of the cure.

EDIT: Ok, assuming you have made some kind of attempt, here is how to answer the question:

We are told that the radius of the circle is $3$, so using my first hint, we can write the circle as

$$\gamma(t) = (3 \cos (t), 3 \sin (t)).$$

Now, we want to calculate the arc length of the upper half. We know that a regular circle goes from $0$ round to $2 \pi$ and so if we want just the upper half, we take half of this and we get our interval to be from $0$ and $\pi$, i.e we have $a = 0$ and $b = \pi$.

Next, we want to calculate $| \gamma ' (t)|$:

$$\gamma(t) = (3 \cos (t), 3 \sin (t)),$$ $$\gamma'(t) = (-3 \sin (t), 3 \cos (t)),$$ $$|\gamma'(t)| = |(-3 \sin (t), 3 \cos (t)| = \sqrt{(-3 \sin (t))^2 + (3\cos (t))^2} = \sqrt{9\sin ^2(t) + 9 \cos ^2(t)} = \sqrt{9(\cos ^2(t) + \sin ^2(t))} = 3,$$

which means to find the arc length, we now have to solve the equation

$$\int_{0}^{\pi} 3 dt$$ $$= [3t]_{0}^{\pi}$$ $$= 3(\pi) - 3(0) = 3\pi.$$

Now, if you wanted to check to see if your answer is correct, you can use a different method, i.e like one Andre Nicolas used, and you will see that you get the same answer.

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