[Math] Approximating the error function erf by analytical functions


The Error function

$\mathrm{erf}(x)=\frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int_0^x e^{-t^2}\,dt$

shows up in many contexts, but can't be represented using elementary functions.

I compared it with another function $f$ which also starts linearly, has $f(0)=0$ and converges against the constant value 1 fast, namely

$\tanh{(x)} = \frac {e^x – e^{-x}} {e^x + e^{-x}}$.

Astoningishly to me, I found that they never differ by more than $|\Delta f|=0.0812$ and converge against each other exponentially fast!

I consider $\tanh{(x)}$ to be the somewhat prettyier function, and so I wanted to find an approximation to $\text{erf}$ with "nice functions" by a short expression. I "naturally" tried

$f(x)=A\cdot\tanh(k\cdot x^a-d)$

Changing $A=1$ or $d=0$ on it's own makes the approximation go bad and the exponent $a$ is a bit difficult to deal with. However, I found that for $k=\sqrt{\pi}\log{(2)}$ the situation gets "better". I obtained that $k$ value by the requirement that "norm" given by


i.e. the difference of the functions areas, should valish. With this value, the maximal value difference even falls under $|\Delta f| = 0.03$. And however you choose the integration bounds for an interval, the area difference is no more than $0.017$.

enter image description here

Numerically speaking and relative to a unit scale, the functions $\text{erf}$ and $\tanh{(\sqrt{\pi}\log{(2)}x)}$ are essentially the same.

My question is if I can find, or if there are known, substitutions for this non-elementary function in terms of elementary ones. In the sense above, i.e. the approximation is compact/rememberable while the values are even better, from a numerical point of view.

The purpose being for example, that if I see somewhere that for a computation I have to integrate erf, that I can think to myself "oh, yeah that's maybe complicated, but withing the bounds of $10^{-3}$ usign e.g. $\tanh(k\cdot x)$ is an incredible accurate approximation."

Best Answer

It depends on how much accuracy you need and over what interval. It seems that you are happy with a few percent. There is an approximation in Abromowitz & Stegun that gives $\text{erf}$ in terms of a rational polynomial times a Gaussian over $[0,\infty)$ out to $\sim 10^{-5}$ accuracy.

In case you care, in the next column, there is a series for erf of a complex number that is accurate to $10^{-16}$ relative error! I have used this in my work and got incredible accuracy with just one term in the sum.

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