[Math] Application of trigonometry in a momentum conservation problem.


A particle of mass m is made to move with uniform sped v along the perimeter of a regular polygon of $2n$ sides. The magnitude of impulse applied at each corner of the polygon is:

$\mathbb {Impulse} = \vec{p_f}-\vec{p_i} $

I assumed the particle to be moving on the top edge of a regular hexagon. Here's my diagram:
enter image description here

Now, when the particle moves to the other edge, it still has speed v but velocity vector is split into two components : $v\cos\theta \hat{i}- v\sin\theta\hat{j}$

which gives $\Delta vec{p} = mv\cos\theta \hat{i}- mv\sin\theta\hat{j} – mv\hat{i}$

$||\vec{\Delta p}||= \sqrt{m^2v^2\cos^2\theta +m^2v^2 – 2mv^2\cos^2\theta+m^2v^2\sin^2\theta} \\ = mv(\sqrt{2(1-cos\theta)}) $

Now, it's clear that $\theta = \dfrac{\pi}{2}- \dfrac{\pi}{2n} \\ \implies ||\vec{\Delta p}||= mv\sqrt{(2(1- \sin \dfrac{\pi}{2n}))}$

But answer given is: $2mv\sin\dfrac{\pi}{2n}$

Where have I gone wrong? WolframAlpha doesn't simply my result too.

Best Answer

Use the fact that exterior angles of any polygon sum up to $2\pi$. Then each exterior angle of this $2n$-gon will be $\dfrac{\pi}{n}$. Then the change in momentum vector will have an angle $\theta=\pi-\frac{\pi}{n}$. This is the angle between blue and red vectors shown below:

enter image description here

Resolve along and perpendicular the angular bisector of this angle (grey line). Components along grey line add up, while components along black line cancel. So the answer is simply

$$\begin{align}\Delta p &= 2 mv \cos\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right)\\ &= 2 mv \cos\left(\frac{\pi-\tfrac{\pi}{n}}{2}\right)\\ &= 2 mv \sin\left(\frac{\pi}{2n}\right)\end{align}$$

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