[Math] Application of Runge’s theorem


Runge's theorem states:

Let $K$ be a compact subset of $\mathbb C$ and let $S\subset \overline{\mathbb C}\setminus K$, such that $S$ contains at least one
point in each connected component of $\overline{\mathbb C}\setminus K$. Then any function holomorphic in an open set containing $K$ can be
uniformly approximated by rational functions whose poles lie in $S$.

I want to solve the following exercise:

Prove that there is a sequence $\{p_k\}_{k=1}^\infty $ of polynomials
such that : $$\lim\limits_{k\rightarrow \infty }p_k(z)=\begin{cases}1 &,Re(z)>0\\0&,Re(z)=0\\-1&,Re(z)<0\end{cases}$$

I think we should find a sequence of holomorphic functions which converges to the desired function, and then approximate each function in the sequence by a polynomial ( which was its poles at $\infty $ , therefore Runge's theorem applies) .
Any hints would be appreciated. Maybe try something else?

Best Answer

Let $U_n = \{z: n \geq Re(z) \geq \frac{1}{n}, |Im(z)| \leq n\}$, $V_n = \{z: -n \leq Re(z) \leq \frac{-1}{n}, |Im(z)| \leq n\}$. Let $f_n: U_n \cup V_n \cup [-in, in] \to \mathbb{C}$ be defined as $f_n(z) = 1$ for $z \in U_n$, $f_n(z) = 0$ for $z \in [-in, in]$, $f_n(z) = -1$ for $z \in V_n$. $f_n$ is holomorpic, and $K_n = U_n \cup V_n \cup [-in, in]$ is compact subset of a complex plane, and $\bar{\mathbb{C}} - K_n$ has only one component, so if we take $S = \{\infty\}$, there's a rational function $p_n$ that only has poles in $S$, such that $\sup_{z \in K_n} |f_n(z) - p_n(z)| < \frac{1}{n}$. As $p_n$ has only pole at infinity, it's a polynomial. It's easy to see that sequence $p_n$ satisfy the requirements, because each $z \in \mathbb{C}$ is in $K_n$ for all $n$ starting from some $n_0$.

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