[Math] Application of Riesz representation theorem


Suppose the following situation. We have linear functional $\ell$ on the space $H(\mathbb{C}^n)$ of entire function and wish to find a representation for $l$ with integration against a complex Borel measure \mu with compact support. i.e:

$$\ell(f)=\int f d\mu\quad \forall f\in H(\mathbb{C}^n).$$

Well, my text suggests to use Hahn-Banach theorem and then Riesz representation. But I dont rly know how. Should $l$ be extended to $C(\mathbb{C}^n)$? And which version of Riesz representation theorem is to use?

Best Answer

Yes, you extend $l$ to $\lambda \in C(\mathbb{C}^n)^\ast$. Then, since $\lambda$ is continuous, there is a compact $K \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ with

$$\lvert \lambda(f)\rvert \leqslant M\cdot \max \left\{\lvert f(z)\rvert : z \in K\right\},$$

and you use the Riesz representation theorem for continuous linear functionals on $C(K)$ (by Tietze's extension theorem, the restriction $\rho \colon C(\mathbb{C}^n) \to C(K)$ is surjective, and the kernel of $\rho$ is contained in $\ker\lambda$, so the induced functional on $C(K)$ is well-defined and uniquely determined by $\lambda$), which gives you a representing Borel measure $\mu$ on $K$.

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