[Math] Application of Ito’s formula to log and exponential


Let $X$ be a strictly positive continuous semimartingale with $X_0 = 1$ and
define the process $Y$ by
$$ Y_t = \int_0^t \frac{1}{X} dX – \frac12 \int_0^t \frac{1}{X^2} d \langle X \rangle. $$ Let the process $Z$ be given by $Z_t = e^{Y_t}$.

I now want to compute $d Z_t$ and show that $Z=X$. To compute $dZ_t$, I noticed that $Y$ follows by defining $Y_t = f(X_t) = \log(X_t)$ then by Ito's formula this gives us precisely that
$$ dY_t = d\log(X_t) = f'(X_t) d X_t + \frac12 f''(X_t)d \langle X_t \rangle = \frac{1}{X_t} d X_t – \frac12 \frac{1}{X_t^2}d \langle X_t \rangle,$$
which is the same as above but in differential notation. Then to compute $dZ_t$ I defined $g(Y_t) := e^{Y_t} = Z_t$ such that
\begin{align*} d Z_t &= d \exp(Y_t) = g'(Y_t)d Y_t + \frac12 g''(Y_t) d \langle Y \rangle_t \\
&= g'(f(X_t))d Y_t + \frac12 g''(f(X_t)) d \langle Y \rangle_t \\
&= f'(X_t)g(f(X_t))d Y_t + \frac12 (f'(X_t))^2g(f(X_t)) d \langle Y \rangle_t \\
&= dY_t + \frac12 \frac{1}{X_t} d \langle Y \rangle_t.
I now wonder is this a correct derivation and how could I prove that $Z = X$? I guess I could prove that $dZ_t = dX_t$ but writing out $dY_t$ does not help me to obtain this. Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

As @Did points out, by definition of $Y_t$ in terms of stochastic integrals,

$$ \text dY_t = \frac{1}{X_t}\text dX_t-\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{X_t^2}\text d\langle X\rangle_t\tag{1} $$ And $$ Z_t^{-1}\text dZ_t = Z_t^{-1}\text de^{Y_t}=Z_t^{-1}e^{Y_t}(\text dY_t+\frac{1}{2}\text d\langle Y\rangle_t) = \text dY_t+\frac{1}{2}\text d\langle Y\rangle_t\tag{2} $$

Using (1) in (2), conclude.