Calculus – Application of Derivative in Helicopter Problem


A helicopter of enemy is flying along the curve given by $y =x^2+7$. A soldier, placed at (3,7) wants to shoot down the helicopter when it is nearest to him. Find the nearest distance.

Please guide how to proceed for this problem.. This is an example of application of derivative

Best Answer

The square distance $d$ helicopter - soldier is: $$d^2=(x^2+7-7)^2+(x-3)^2$$ The minimum of this distance is given when the derivative of $d^2$ is zero. So: $$(d^2)'=4x^3+2x-6$$ which is zero for $x=1$ Putting $x=1$ in the equation of the helicopter trajectory, you have: $$P_m=(1,8)$$ which is the helicopter coordinates in wich the distance is minimum.

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