[Math] APICS Mathematics Contest 1999: Prove $\sin^2(x+\alpha)+\sin^2(x+\beta)-2\cos(\alpha-\beta)\sin(x+\alpha)\sin(x+\beta)$ is a constant function of $x$


This is question 3 from the APICS Mathematics Competition paper of 1999:

Prove that $$\sin^2(x+\alpha)+\sin^2(x+\beta)-2\cos(\alpha-\beta)\sin(x+\alpha)\sin(x+\beta)$$ is a constant function of $x$.

Expanding it seems rather daunting, in particular the last term, and nothing I've tried has been useful towards cancelling terms out.
It was assigned in a pre-calculus course, so it should be possible to solve without using derivatives. However, showing that $f'(x)=0$ would obviously be a valid solution.

Any ideas are greatly welcome.

Best Answer

enter image description here

Taking @SiongthyeGoh's comment, in the above picture, $AE=1$, $\angle BAE=x$, $\angle BAC=\beta$, and $\angle BAD=\alpha$.

It follows that $DE=\sin(x+\alpha)$ and $CE=\sin(x+\beta)$. Applying the cosine theorem to $\triangle DCE$, the given expression is equal to $DC^2$, hence is a constant.

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