[Math] Any space $X$ with the indiscrete topology is compact.


Let $\tau_X = \{ \varnothing, X \} $. Let $A \subseteq X$, Let $O$ be an open cover of $A$. Since topology on $X$ is finite, then $O$ must finite too. Obviously, any subcover $O'$ of $O$ must be finite, therefore $X$ must be compact by definition.

Is this correct? It seems obvious to write it down or probably im missing somthing? any feedback? thanks

Best Answer

You don't even need to consider $A\subseteq X$. What you must show is that any open cover of $X$ contains at least one finite subcover of $X$. But note that the only open cover of $X$ is the singleton $\{X\}$, and it trivially contains a finite subcover: $\{X\}$ itself.

Addition; pointed out by @RickyDemer: $\{\varnothing,X\}$ is another open cover of $X$, as $X\subseteq \varnothing\cup X=X$, but it is a finite cover as well.

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