Factorial – Shortcut to Calculate Factorial Without Calculator


I've been searching the internet for quite a while now to find anything useful that could help me to figure out how to calculate factorial of a certain number without using calculator but no luck whatsoever.

I'm well aware of the fact that there is a way to calculate any number of sigma (summation notation sigma) but haven't figured out anything for factorials yet.
Could you please show me any method that should do the trick.

E.g. factorial of 10! is 3628800 but how do I calculate it without using any sorts of calculator or calculate the numbers from 10 to 1?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Rewriting the factorial as the Gamma function and Stirling's approximation we get what I think is the closest possible approximation that you could do by hand:

$$n! \approx \sqrt{2 \pi n} \cdot \left( \frac{n}{e} \right)^n$$

Where $e = 2.71828\dots$. Unfortunately, this might not be quicker than multiplying all the numbers together by hand, but it's certainly the only shortcut I can think of that could be done by hand.