[Math] Any reasons why the basis case can’t be at the end of a mathematical induction proof


When doing a proof by mathematical induction, I was wondering if there is any logical reason why the assumption (n=k) and induction (n=k+1) steps couldn't be done first, then do the basis case (n=1) afterwards, rather than the traditional way of doing this basis case first? I am teaching this to my students and I think it would make more sense to them to first show that P(k+1) is true if P(k) is true, and then show that P(1) is true, then P(2) must be true, P(3) is true, etc. and P(n) is true for all n. Anyway, I can't see any flaws in the logic? Please advise.

Best Answer

Formally, there is no requirement to prove P(1) first. Practically, though, verifying P(1) first can save a lot of aggravation in cases where the inductive step works, but the base step turns out to not hold true. Try to prove that $2n+1$ is even for $\forall n \in \mathbb{N}$ by induction, for example: the inductive step certainly works, but the proposition is false since the base case $2 \cdot 1 + 1$ turns out to be odd - and you'd only realize that at the very end if you were to check P(1) last.

(And then, there are those funny cases like All horses are the same color where the fallacy falls squarely in between the base step and the proper induction step.)