[Math] Any $n \times n$ matrix $A$ can be written as $A = B + C$ with $B$ is symmetric and $C$ skew-symmetric.

alternative-prooflinear algebraproof-explanationproof-writing

How can I proof the following statement?

Any $n \times n$ matrix $A$ can be written as a sum
A = B + C
where $B$ is symmetric and $C$ is skew-symmetric.

I tried to work out the properties of a matrix to be symmetric or skew-symmetric, but I could not prove this.
Does someone know a way to prove it?

Thank you.

PS: The question Prove: Square Matrix Can Be Written As A Sum Of A Symmetric And Skew-Symmetric Matrices may be similiar, in fact gives a hint to a solution, but if someone does not mind in expose another way, our a track to reach to what is mentioned in the question of the aforementioned link.

Best Answer

Suppose $$A=B+C$$ If $$B^T=B, $$ $$C^T=-C,$$ then according to the known property of transposition of sum of matrices $$A^T=(B+C)^T=B^T+C^T=B+(-C)=B-C$$ Now we have $$A=B+C \tag 1\\ $$ $$A^T=B-C\tag 2\\$$ Adding $(1)$ to $(2)$ gives $$B={(A+A^T)\over 2}\\ $$ Subtracting $(2)$ from $(1)$ gives $$C={(A-A^T)\over 2}\\ $$