Linear Algebra – Best Graduate Level Textbooks for Practice and Problem Solving

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I am looking for good graduate linear algebra books that contain practice problems with solutions (which is better) or hints to solve the problems. By the way, two graduate courses I am gonna take are a continuation of the undergrad course I have already taken based on the textbook: "Linear Algebra: A modern Approach" by "D.Poole". I did find some textbooks that cover the material, like: "Linear Algebra done right", "Linear Algebra done wrong", etc and some of these books suggest few problems without given solutions. So, I need books with many solved problems (or hints) that help me to practice what I will learn in the lecture and to ensure I well understand the material. Any suggestion is more than welcome. Thanks

Best Answer

In Berkeley Problems in Mathematics book, there are a lot of problems with solutions of Linear Algebra as well as Analysis and Algebra. The problems are taken from Preliminary Exams of UC Berkeley.