[Math] answer to iq test with colored squares


What is the best (whatever this means) answer and why?

taken from a well-known Danish IQ society test

Best Answer

Well, that's funny, 'cause you can get an answer basing only on several conventions (resonable ones). But they are not unique, so guess you can get different answers. Let's try.
In the left column we have initial states (I've placed an axis, running along the colored blocks from blue to red).
In the middle colum we have the state that shows us the direction of transformations (rotations). I've placed an axis along the colored in gray blocks in such a way that it always points upwards. Plus I've added an azure line which coincides in direction with the initial state and has two parts: the inital and mirrored one.
In the right column we have final states which are obtained by the rotation of the initial state along the direction of transformations.
So following this logic I guess the answer is $\mathrm{G}$.

enter image description here

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