[Math] Another ant in the cube


A little change in that problem:

Logic question: Ant walking a cube

There is a cube and an ant is performing a random walk on the edges where it can select any of the 3 adjoining vertices with equal probability. What is the expected number of steps it needs till it reaches the diagonally opposite vertex?

Taking the cube image there, and starting in 1 and ending in 8,

What would be the expected number of steps without passing by vertex 5?


Best Answer

Conditioning the ant to never pass by vertex $5$ is equivalent to cancelling edges $\{4,5\}$, $\{6,5\}$ and $\{8,6\}$. This leaves $7$ vertices and $9$ edges. The symmetry with respect to the plane containing $1$, $2$, $5$ and $8$ shows that $3$ and $7$ play the same role for a path starting from $1$ and ending at $8$. Likewise, $4$ and $6$ play the same role. So one can consider $3$ and $7$ as a single vertex, and $4$ and $6$ as a single vertex, only with more edges leading to them and leaving them than the others.

Thus the setting is equivalent to a random walk on a weighted graph with $5$ vertices and $5$ edges, drawn like a square plus an additional edge added to a vertex of the square. The square has vertices $1$, $2$, $3$ (which represents $3$ and $7$) and $4$ (which represents $4$ and $6$), the fifth vertex is $8$, and the edges are those of the square $\{1,2\}$, $\{2,3\}$, $\{3,4\}$, $\{4,1\}$, plus the additional edge $\{3,8\}$. Every edge has weight $2$ except the edge $\{1,2\}$ which has weight $1$. Weights on edges mean for instance that starting from $1$, one has $1/(1+2)$ chances to go to $2$ and $2/(1+2)$ chances to go to $4$.

Writing $t_i$ for the mean hitting time of $8$ starting from $i$ on the reduced graph, one looks for $t_1$. The vector $(t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4)$ solves the system $t_1=1+(t_2+2t_4)/3$, $t_2=1+(t_1+2t_3)/3$, $t_3=1+(t_1+t_2+0)/3$ and $t_4=1+(t_1+t_3)/2$. Hence $t_1=62/5$ or something like that.

Alternatively, one can solve an analogous system on the original graph with $7$ vertices and $9$ edges. This system has size $6$ since $t_8=0$ and if one solves it one will note that some coordinates of the solution are equal, namely $t_3=t_7$ and $t_4=t_6$. The reduction explained above uses this fact to lower a priori the size of the linear system down to $4$ but it is not essential.

All this, and much more, in the must-read short book Random walks and electric networks by Peter G. Doyle and J. Laurie Snell.