[Math] Annihilator of two subspaces of vector space

linear algebra

Let $V$ be a vector space. If $W_1,W_2$ subspaces of $V$ then $(W_1\cap W_2)^0=W_1^0+W_2^0$.
One way is very clear, and it's $W_1^0+W_2^0\subseteq (W_1\cap W_2)^0$. But I cant quite understand how to prove the other way?
I tried writing a base for the intersection and expanding it to each of the other spaces, then operate $t\in (W_1\cap W_2)^0$ on a linear combination of a generic vector from $W_1^0+W_2^0$ which I wrote a a linear combination of the base I expanded. Got stuck. Is that even the right way?

Best Answer

We know that if U and V are two subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space: $\dim (U+V)=\dim U + \dim V -\dim (U\cap V)$. To prove the equality requested if suffice to show that $\dim (W_1^0+W_2^0)=\dim (W_1\cap W_2)^0$. This is a direct consequent from the previous equality and the fact that $W_1^0\cap W_2^0=(W_1+ W_2)^0$ and $\dim U^0=\dim V-\dim U$ for all subspace $U$ of $V$.

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