[Math] Angles subtended by an edge in a regular dodecahedron


If I have a regular dodecahedron and construct lines between the center of the dodecahedron and its vertices. How do I calculate the angle between such lines, subtended by an edge?
This picture can probably better explain what I meant


For now, I am thinking of calculating the radius of the circumscribed sphere and then using cosine law to find out the angle. Is there a more straightforward way?

Best Answer

There is an inscribed cube in a regular dodecahedron, which will aid the calculation of the radius of the circumscribed sphere.

Inscribe cube

Assume the regular dodecahedron has edge length $1$. The edge of the cube is the diagonal of a unit regular pentagon:

$$\begin{align*} \text{Side of cube} &= \text{Diagonal of a pentagon face}\\ &= \frac{1+\sqrt 5}2\\ &= \varphi \end{align*}$$

The diameter of the circumscribed sphere is the space diagonal of that inscribed cube, which is just $\sqrt 3$ times the side length of the cube:

$$\begin{align*} \text{Diameter of sphere} &= \sqrt 3\cdot \text{Side of cube}\\ &= \sqrt 3\varphi\\ \text{Radius of sphere} &= \frac{\sqrt3}2\varphi \end{align*}$$

As in the diagram in the question, using cosine law with a triangle formed by the sphere centre and an edge of the dodecahedron:

$$\begin{align*} \cos\alpha &= \frac{r^2 + r^2 - 1^2}{2r^2}\\ &= \frac{2 - r^{-2}}{2}\\ &= \frac{2-\frac43\varphi^{-2}}{2}\\ &= \frac{2-\frac23(3-\sqrt5)}{2}\\ &= \frac{\sqrt5}3\\ \alpha &\approx 41.81^\circ \end{align*}$$