[Math] Angles in 3 Dimensions

3danglegeometryvector analysis

Consider the following points;






If all of these are connected, it leaves a rectangular-based pyramid with a variable vertex (E). Is there any way to compare the angle at this vertex as x and y or are angles limited to a single plane involved in the shape? TO put this into a bit more context, the closer E is to the origin, logically, this 'angle' or measurement would be larger than if E was farther away.

Best Regards,


Best Answer


In the point $E$ are concurrent four sides of the pyramid $\overline{EA}$, $\overline{EB}$, $\overline{EC}$, $\overline{ED}$.

If you want find the angles between any two of them you have to find the vectors parallel to the sides, e.g. $$ \vec {EA}=(-x,-4-y,4)^T \qquad \vec {EB}=(-x,4-y,4)^T $$ than the angle $\theta$ between them is given can be found by means of the dot product:

$$ \theta=\arccos\left(\frac{\vec{EA}\cdot \vec{EB}}{|\vec {EA}||\vec{EB}|} \right) $$

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