[Math] Angles between lateral faces of any rectangular-based pyramid


I was just wondering if anyone had any idea how to solve this problem:

What is the angle between lateral faces of a rectangular-based pyramid with length a, width b, and height h, in terms of a, b and h?

Any responses are much appreciated.

Best Answer

Set up a coordinate system such that pyramid vertex is $V=(0,0,h)$ and base vertices are $A=(b/2,a/2,0)$, $B=(-b/2,a/2,0)$, $C=(-b/2,-a/2,0)$, $D=(b/2,-a/2,0)$.

A vector $N_1$ perpendicular to face $VAB$ (and directed outwards) can be found by $$ N_1=(A-V)\times(B-V)= \left({b\over2},{a\over2},-h\right)\times\left(-{b\over2},{a\over2},-h\right) =\left(0,hb,{ab\over2}\right). $$ Analogously, one can find a vector $N_2$ perpendicular to face $VAD$ and directed inwards: $$ N_2=-(D-V)\times(A-V)= -\left({b\over2},-{a\over2},-h\right)\times\left({b\over2},{a\over2},-h\right) =-\left(ha,0,{ab\over2}\right). $$ Angle $\theta$ between those faces is also the angle between $N_1$ and $N_2$, so it can be found by $$ \cos\theta={N_1\cdot N_2\over|N_1|\cdot |N_2|}= {-1\over\sqrt{1+4h^2/a^2}\sqrt{1+4h^2/b^2}}. $$