[Math] Angle between the sum of two vectors and the horizontal


I have 2 points, A + B, with vectors from the origin a and b. The vector from A to B is

c = ba

a and b are defined in polar coordinates with
a $ = (r_a,\theta_a) $, b $ = (r_b,\theta_b ) $

I want to know how to define the angle c makes with the horizontal in terms of $\theta_a $ and/or $\theta_b$.

vector angles

Best Answer

If it is an isosceles triangle, $\angle A=\angle B=90-\frac{\theta_a}{2}$

Extending $c$ down to the horizontal makes a triangle with angles $\theta_b,180-(90-\frac{\theta_a}{2}),\theta_c$. With $\theta_c$ being the angle you are after. It can now be expressed in terms of $\theta_a$ and $\theta_b$

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