[Math] Angle between position/velocity vector and tangent vector


r(t) = (e^(t)cos(4t), e^(t)sin(4t))

Verify that the angle ψ between the position vector and tangent vector is constant, and find the angle.
logarithmic spiral

so far, I have r'(t)= (e^(t)cos(4t) – 4e(t)sin(4t), e(t)sin(4t) + 4e^(t)cost(4t)) but I am not quite sure how to go about finding the angle and verifying that it is constant between the tangent and position vector.

Best Answer

$v = r' = (e^t\cos 4 t - 4e^t\sin 4t, e^t\sin 4t + e^t\cos 4t)$

And this can be broken into components that are circular and centrifugal

$v = r + 4r^\bot\\ r\cdot v = \|r\|^2$


$r\cdot v =\|r\| = \|r\|\|v\| \cos \theta \\ \cos\theta =\frac {\|r\|}{\|v\|} = \frac {1}{\sqrt {17}}$