Real Analysis – How to Perform Analytic Lagrange Interpolation for Countably Infinite Points


Suppose I have a finite set of points on the real plane, and I want to find the univariate polynomial interpolating all of them. Lagrange interpolation gives me the least-degree polynomial going through all of those.

Is there an analogous construct for a countably infinite, sparse set of points on the real plane, instead using analytic functions and power series?

There is obviously some difficulty in forming a perfect analogy, as Lagrange interpolation yields the "lowest degree" polynomial interpolating the points, whereas there is no such thing as a "lowest degree" power series. However, perhaps there is some generalized measure of the complexity of a power series that is decently workable, and which restricts to the lowest-degree polynomial in the finite case.

If so, how does this work? Is there an easy way to obtain the nth coefficient of the power series from the points?

Best Answer

There is this theorem:

Given two sequences $z_n$ and $w_n$ of complex numbers such that $|z_n| \to \infty$, there exists a holomorphic function $f$ such that $f(z_n) = w_n$ for all $n$.

It is a consequence of the Weierstrass factorization theorem and the Mittag-Leffler theorem.

See this question.

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