[Math] Analytic Geometry: Distance between a point and a line.

analytic geometry

Get the equations of both lines going through $0$ which have a distance of 5 from the point $(1,7)$.

How to handle this problem? We have this formula:

If line $l$ is $ax+by=c$, distance $ P(x,y) $ to line $l$:

$ \dfrac{|ax+by-c|}{\sqrt{a^2+b^2}}$

Best Answer

Find the circle with radius $5$ and center $(1,7)$ and then find the lines passing through the origin and which is a tangent to the circle by using the formula $y = mx+r\cdot\sqrt{m^2+ 1}$ and as it passes through tho origin $r.\sqrt{m^2+1}=0$ so your line now becomes $y=mx$ if distance of this line from $(1,7)$ is $5$, then you get a quadratic in $m$.

Solving this you can find out the values of $m$ and substituting in the line equation, we get the required equation.