Complex Analysis – Analytic Functions with Nonessential Singularity at Infinity Must Be Polynomial


This is an exercise from Alhfors Complex Analysis book- to show that an analytic function with a nonessential singularity at infinity must be a polynomial.
It seems like it should probably be pretty straight forward, but I must be missing something.
If it has a removable singularity at infinity than it extends to an analytic function on the Riemann sphere, and so must be constant by Liouville's theorem.
What if there is a pole at infinity though?
This was homework some time ago, and I never finished it :/ but have been thinking about it again recently.
Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

Another hint: look at the function $f(\frac{1}{z})$ at z = 0, it has a nonessential singularity at 0...

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