Complex Analysis – Analytic Continuation of the Riemann Zeta Function via Contour Integration


To find the analytic continuation of the Riemann zeta function using contour integration one can integrate $\displaystyle f(z) = \frac{z^{s-1}}{e^{-z}-1}$ around a contour that consists of rays just above and just below the negative real axis (where the branch cut is placed) and a small circle about the origin that is traversed counterclockwise.

Then the argument is that as long as radius of the circle remains small enough, the value of the contour integral is independent of the circle's radius.

Some books say that this follows from Cauchy's integral theorem. But why is Cauchy's integral theorem applicable if the contour is seemingly not closed?

Best Answer

The contour is not closed, but the value of the integral is independent (for small radius) of the method you might use to close off the contour near $Re(z)=-\infty$ and take a limit.

Near $-\infty$ means modifying the contour only in a region $Re(z) < a$ for large enough negative $a$. In this problem any $a<0$ will leave unchanged the set of poles and residues inside the contour, and as $a \to -\infty$ any changes in the value of the integral due to the contour modification crossing the branch cut, converge to $0$.

The un-modified contour can be considered as a closed integration path on a compactification of the left half-plane by adding a point at real part $-\infty$, which is justified when integrating a power of $z$ that is suppressed exponentially (in $Re(z)$) when approaching the added point.

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