[Math] An open set of $ \mathbb{R}^2$ without a point is not simply connected


An open set of $ \mathbb{R}^2$ without a point is not simply connected

I need a rigorous proof of this because I only have the intuitive idea that a loop around the point can not be deformed into a point.

Best Answer

Let $U$ be an open set and $x\in U$. Assume without loss of generality that $x=0$, the origin. We can define the continuous function

$$f:U\setminus\{0\}\to S^1, x\mapsto \frac x{\|x\|}.$$

Because $U$ is open, there is some $\epsilon>0$ so that $B(0,\epsilon)\subseteq U$. So take any closed curve $\gamma:[0,1]\to S^1$. You can embed this curve in $U\setminus\{0\}$ via $\gamma\mapsto \epsilon\gamma=:\gamma'$. If $U\setminus\{0\}$ is simply connected, there is a homotopy contracting $\gamma'$ to a point. Via $f$, this maps to a homotpy of $\gamma$ to a point in $S^1$. We know that $S^1$ is not simply connected, hence not every curve should be contractible. Contradiction. $\square$