Algebra – Oddity in Some Linear Equations


Okay, so I've started Algebra I this year, and i've always had a love for math. And at one point in the course we were presented with an equation similar to this one:

$5x + 3 = 8x + 3$

And so I solved it like such: $5x + 3 = 8x + 3$

$5x + 3 – 3 = 8x + 3 -3$

$5x = 8x$

$5x – 5x = 8x – 5x$

$0 = 3x$

$\frac{0}{3} = \frac{3x}{3}$

$0 = x$

However, I also noticed that it seems perfectly valid to divide both sides by x instead of subtracting 5x, which results in 5 = 8, and therefore no solution. I'm a little confused about that. Can someone clarify what exactly is happening here?

Best Answer

The answer is already in the comments, but I'll try explain it a bit more verbosely. If you solve an equation, what you're actually doing is writing a proof that the equation is logically equivalent to some statement $x = ...$, where the dots stand for some number. You do that by writing down a series of equivalent statements, one below the other. In your case, you start out with $$ 5x + 3 = 8x + 3 $$ Then you subtract $3$ from both sides. You may do that, because two numbers are equal exactly if those numbers minus 3 are equal. So the statement $$ 5x = 8x $$ is logically equivalent to the equation you started with. Now you divide by $x$. Are you allowed to do that? Is it true that two numbers are equal exactly if they're equal if divided by the same divisor? Turns out they are, except if the divisor is zero. In that case, the division isn't allowed, and so the statement you get - even if it formally looks valid - has no more logical connection to the original equation. In particular, the original equation may have a solution, but the statement you get after the division may be simply untrue. So, by dividing by $x$, you implicitly assume that $x\neq 0$! Everything that follows will be depend on that assumption. In your case, you do the division and end up with $$ 5 = 8 \text{,} $$ an obvious contradiction. But that statement is only equivalent to the original equation if $x \neq 0$ - after all, we had to assume that to get this far. So we now know that, indeed, $x$ has to be zero for the equation to hold, since assuming that it isn't zero got us into trouble. We don't yet know if it actually will hold for $x=0$, thought, so the last step is to set $x=0$ in the original equation, and verify that it checks out.

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