[Math] an intuitive explanation of a complex slope of a real line

complex numberscomplex-analysiscoordinate systemspolar coordinates

On thinking about what real slopes and imaginary slopes are I have become a bit confused. We have one coordinate $x$-$y$-$z$ system that we use to specify position. I suppose the coordinates in this system will have only real values. But then again in the argand plane the $x$ axis is real and $y$ axis is imaginary. What is a complex slope of a real line? How do we find it?My book has this sentence: "If $A(z_1)$ and $B(z_2)$ are two points in the argand plane then the complex slope of line $AB$ is $\frac{z_1-z_2}{\bar z_1-\bar z_2}$." Where did they get this from? I'm not very sure whether this formula is correct either. I do not have extensive knowledge of complex numbers, I have just studied the basics.

Best Answer

Descartes has taught us how to use a real $(x,y)$-plane ${\mathbb R}^2$ to graphically display functions $x\mapsto y=f(x)$. In particular a linear function $y=ax+b$ has a graph which is a straight line, and this line has slope $a=\tan\alpha$, whereby $\alpha\in\bigl]-{\pi\over2},{\pi\over2}\bigr[\>$ is the angle between this line and the $x$-axis. The graph of a general function $f$ is a curve with varying tangents. These tangents also have slopes, that can be computed through differentiation of $f$.

Now in complex analysis the $(x,y)$-plane is used for a completely different purpose, namely as a "geometric" representation of the set ${\mathbb C}$ of complex numbers. Each point $(x,y)\in{\mathbb R}^2$ then represents the complex number $z:=x+iy$. Sometimes we do geometry with these complex numbers, and there will be figures with lines $\ell\subset{\mathbb C}$. These lines are ordinary real lines in the plane, and they have a real slope as described above.

When you start to study complex valued functions $z\mapsto w:=f(z)$ then you need a second plane (the $w$-plane) to draw the images of individual points or subsets of the $z$-plane. It is there that something as a "complex slope" arises. The official name is complex derivative. We then have $\Delta w\approx f'(z_0)\Delta z$ in the same way as in the "real world" we have $\Delta y\approx f'(x_0)\Delta x$.

Answering your comment: The quotient $q:=(z_2-z_1)/(\bar z_2-\bar z_1)$ is related to the slope of the segment connecting $A$ with $B$, but I have never seen it called "complex slope". In fact $q=e^{2i\alpha}$, where $\alpha$ is the angle described in the first paragraph. (Note that $z=|z|e^{i\alpha}$ implies ${z\over\bar z}=e^{2i\alpha}$.)

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