[Math] An interesting problem with fractions

fractionsnumber theory

These are a few examples of how "forbidden" procedures can lead us to the correct answer:

$$\displaystyle\frac{1\not4^1}{2\not8_2} = \frac{11}{22}=\frac{1}{2}$$

$$\displaystyle\frac{1\not3^1}{3\not9_3} = \frac{11}{33}=\frac{1}{3}$$

$$\displaystyle\frac{{\not3^1}0}{{\not6_2}0} = \frac{10}{20}=\frac{1}{2}$$

I am interested in the question does there exist a fraction such that it satisfies these $5$ requirements and such that it can be "solved" using this "technique"?

  1. The numerator and denominator have $n$ digits where $5\leq n\leq9$
  2. The number in numerator doesn`t end in $0$.
  3. The number in denominator deosnĀ“t end in $0$.
  4. All digits in number in numerator are different.
  5. All digits in number in denominator are different.

EDIT1: The user found that it is possible for $n=5$, now I have a somewhat different version of the problem with modified first requirement:

1*. The numerator and denominator have $n$ digits where $6\leq n\leq9$

2.,3.,4.,5. Same as above.

I believe that now such fraction doesn`t exist and would be very pleased if someone shows that it is so or finds a counterexample in any of these two cases:

Case A) Only one cancellation is allowed.

Case B) More than one cancellation is allowed.

EDIT2: It seems that belief in non-existence of such fraction in the modified problem $6\leq n\leq9$ was a failure, below you can see that user Ivan Loh found the solution for the cases $n=6,7$ with one cancellation and solution for the case $n=8$ with two cancellations which is indeed more than I was asking, and, following his examples, I found the case for $n=8$ with one cancellation, it is $\displaystyle\frac {21945703}{65837109}=\frac {21945701}{65837103}=\frac {1}{3}$.

Best Answer

In case you still want a 5 digit example:


A 6 digit example:


In fact, let's add a $0$, so


If you want more than 1 cancellation, use


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