[Math] an important property of an ellipse

conic sectionsgeometry

Good morning everybody.
I would like to know the proof of the following observation on the ellipse.

A circle is drawn with the right latus rectum as diameter. Another circle is drawn with its center on the major axis such that it is internally tangent to both the circle given above, and the auxiliary circle (the circumcircle of the ellipse). This circle is said to be right associate circle of ellipse. (The left associate circle is defined similarly.) All the circles whose diameters are right focal chords are tangent to the right associate circle, and similarly, all the circles whose diameters are left focal chords are tangent to the left associate circle.

Also, can we see something similar in the other conic sections?

Best Answer

I present here a rather elaborate coordinate geometry proof. (I'd sure like to see a simpler way of going about this!)

Take the ellipse with eccentricity $\varepsilon\in(0,1)$ and semilatus rectum $p$ to have the polar equation


such that one of the ellipse's foci is at the origin, and the circle whose diameter is the latus rectum has the equation $r=p$. From this configuration, we find that the associate circle corresponding to the focus at the origin has its center at $\left(\dfrac{p}{2}\left(1-\dfrac1{1+\varepsilon}\right),0\right)$ and a radius of $\dfrac{p}{2}\left(1+\dfrac1{1+\varepsilon}\right)$.

Let a focal chord corresponding to the focus at the origin be at an angle $\varphi$ from the horizontal axis. We find that the line $\theta=\varphi$ intersects the ellipse at the angle values $\theta=\varphi$ and $\theta=\varphi+\pi$, corresponding to the points

$$\left(\frac{\pm p\cos\,\varphi}{1\mp\varepsilon\cos\varphi},\frac{\pm p\sin\,\varphi}{1\mp\varepsilon\cos\,\varphi}\right)$$

(I thank Blue for noting this simplification; the previous version of this answer took a more circuitous route.)

The circle whose diameter is the segment joining these two points has its center at $\left(\dfrac{\varepsilon p\,\cos^2\varphi}{1-(\varepsilon\cos\,\varphi)^2},\dfrac{\varepsilon p\cos\,\varphi\sin\,\varphi}{1-(\varepsilon\cos\,\varphi)^2}\right)$ and a radius of $\dfrac{p}{1-(\varepsilon\cos\,\varphi)^2}$. To verify that this circle is tangent to the associate circle, we find the radical line of these two circles (which coincides with the common tangent line of two tangent circles); we find the equation of the radical line to be

$$p\left(\frac{2\varepsilon}{\sec^2\varphi-\varepsilon^2}+\frac1{1+\varepsilon}-1\right)x+\frac{2 \varepsilon p \tan\,\varphi}{\sec^2\varphi-\varepsilon^2}y+\frac{\varepsilon p^2 (\varepsilon+\sec^2\varphi)}{(1+\varepsilon)(\sec^2\varphi-\varepsilon^2)}=0$$

The point of tangency is then found to be


I'll leave the verification that the line perpendicular to the radical line at the point of tangency passes through the center of the associate circle to you.

Here is a Mathematica demonstration:

With[{p = 1, e = 1/Sqrt[2], n = 31},
     Animate[PolarPlot[{p/(1 - e*Cos[t]), p}, {t, -Pi, Pi}, 
       Epilog -> {{Green,
                   Circle[{(p/2)*(1 - 1/(1 + e)), 0},
                          (p/2)*(1 + 1/(1 + e))]}, 
                   Circle[{(e*p*Cos[th]^2)/(1 - (e*Cos[th])^2),
                           (e*p*Cos[th]*Sin[th])/(1 - (e*Cos[th])^2)},
                           p/(1 - (e*Cos[th])^2)],
                   Line[{{p*Cos[th]/(1 - e*Cos[th]),
                          p*Sin[th]/(1 - e*Cos[th])}, 
                         {-p*Cos[th]/(1 + e*Cos[th]),
                          -p*Sin[th]/(1 + e*Cos[th])}}]}},
       Frame -> True], {th, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi/(n - 1)}]]

ellipse circles demo

Here's a parabolic version:

parabola and circles

Some tweaking in the code given above is needed to handle the hyperbolic case e > 1; I'll leave this as an exercise to the reader.

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