Differential Geometry – Constant Scalar Curvature in Einstein Manifolds


I know this is called Schur's lemma. But I cannot find a proof. All references available to me either does not give a proof, or says that it is similar to the lemma for sectional curvature, making use of the second Bianchi identity. But in the sectional curvature case, we can express explicitly $R_{ijkl}$ in $g_{ij}$ (in a unit orthogonal basis), while here we only have a sum $R_{ikjk}$. And I don't know how to manipulate the Bianchi identity to make the covariant derivative index uniform. Can anyone give some help?

Best Answer

There seems to be some disagreement in the literature about whether we assume $\lambda$ is constant from the outset when we write $\text{Ric}_{ij} = \lambda g_{ij}$. Here is a hint to a proof that $\lambda$ is constant using the classical second Bianchi identity $$R_{ijk\ell;m}+R_{ij\ell m;k}+R_{ijmk;\ell}=0\,.$$ Working with $g_{ij}(p) = \delta_{ij}$, consider $\sum\limits_{i,k,\ell} \delta_{k\ell} R_{iki\ell}$.