Logic – What is an Axiom Schema?


ZFC is not finitely axiomatizable. But it is, (and I know this is not precise yet) finitely axiom-schematizable. So my question is, what exactly is an axiom schema of a logical calculus like first order logic or propositional logic, such as ((A AND B) IMPLIES B)? Well, I guess it would be a set of statements. But what exactly makes a set of statements schematic?

Best Answer

An axiom schema is an infinite set of axioms, all of which have a similar form.

For example, in Peano Arithmetic, there is the axiom schema of induction; for each first order predicate $\phi$ in the language of PA, we have an axiom:

$$(\phi(0) \wedge \forall n (\phi(n) \rightarrow \phi(n+1))) \rightarrow \forall n \phi(n)$$

For different formulas $\phi$, we get completely separate axioms. For example, we can replace $\phi$ with the formula $n+1+1 = n+2$ or with the formula $\forall m (((\exists l) n + l = m) \vee ((\exists l) n = m + l))$ or whatever other formula we can write down.

However, each of these axioms has the same "shape" - they're given by substituting some formula in for $\phi$. This is not a finite set of axioms, and you can show that there can be no finite set of axioms that works, but if we were to allow a symbol $\forall^* \phi$ which quantified over all formulas $\phi$ (which is basically what second-order logic is), we would be able to write this down as a single axiom.