[Math] Am I abusing the word “remark”


My professor often uses the word "remark" to comment on something. I find myself picking it up and also replacing that word for "comment"

Does it look silly to do that? Or is the word "remark" can be used for "anything"?

I am TAing right now and I find myself abusing that word a lot and making myself look silly.

For instance, when I make a marking scheme I usually add a "remark"


Remark: Some people thought $(x + y)^2 = x^2 + y^2$

Remark: Writing $f'(x) \neq 0$ does not tell me anything at all

If it is wrong, I aws thinking of using other words like Comment (doesn't seem formal enough) or Pitfall

Best Answer

This used to be commonplace in a certain style of rather formal mathematical writing. I think it's out of place in spoken language including lectures, but some people do it. I wouldn't emulate it.

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